Almost back on track with the countdown. Yesterday was a fun-filled day involving paint. And an activity I entitled...sPiDeR hAnD pRiNt CrAfT! This one is all about the memories guys. Creepy creepy memories. I got this idea via Pinterest here.So there ya go.boo.0
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So what did we do on the eighth of October?We made chili. Chili, the perfect meal to eat while watching a scary movie! That may not be completely true, but it does taste yummy! So while we noshed on some delicious white chicken chili, we turned on Netflix to watch a movie I've been dying to see, The Innkeepers.So let's talk about Innkeepers. I heard that this was a really good movie, but I had forgotten why it was or that it was by the same guy that did The House of the Devil. When I turned it on, It seemed more like an Indy flick than a horror movie. I was lulled into a false sense of "this ain't scary" security. In fact I had a hard time seeing how it could possibly get scary. I thought maybe this would turn out to be one of those campy comedic horrors where scariness is practically ignored for a good portion of the film, similar to Shaun of the Dead. And then it got a little creepy. I was all like, "WHAT!? you is NOT supposed to be creepy, we have established that!!"Whatever Innkeepers, Whatever. I loved you anyways. I loved how you forget your watching horror. I love the fact that Lena Dunham is in this, even if it is only for a split sec. And I loved the ending. I just kept waiting for the light atmosphere to come back. But I especially loved that I didn't see the ending coming, even when I was watching it happen. Soo...watch Innkeepers(and eat chili)!0
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Already behind on my countdown, didn't even make it a week! I had a feeling the weekend would disrupt my posts but that's ok! So for day 7, we went apple picking! We actually have a riverfront bike trail about a mile or 2 from our house that leads out to a community college in country. It's a really nice trail so we rode our bikes out there and stopped where there are a few apple trees. Free apples? Yes please! So I totally failed on the pictures aspect(I have pictures of us riding our bikes, but none of the apples or apple trees, guess I got to excited collecting apples!) so here are some pictures from about a month ago of a pear picking outing at Perry Farm, a local park.0
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So today was supposed to be Vana's Fudge day, where we would go to Vana's pumpkin patch specifically for their delicious fudge. We usually do this every year, but limited funds have canceled those plans along with a few other activities we had planned. Luckily Grayson is to young to notice, but we made sure to have a fun filled day anyway playing outside for free! Here's a funny prank video I'm sure you've seen before instead.
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Like I said, this movie was a lot of fun. It was not want I would call scary at all though. I'm easy to scare and I was not in the least bit nervous. BUT. What I did find interesting is that even though while watching this movie I had a constant smile on my face, when I went to bed afterwards my mind started going. And I started getting nervous. As I've mentioned before I am prone to nighttime anxiety, but this was definitely brought on by the movie. It's like the subliminal messages and themes of the movie, while they seemed lighthearted in my initial viewing, had crept in deep when I wasn't paying attention. What does this all mean?? I don't know, I guess it means I'm paranoid. But I did have a good laugh about it once the sun came up:)
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Another beautiful fall day! We decided to stay in tonight watching scary movies cuddled up on the couch while drinking hot chocolate and eating popcorn. Love these kinds of nights! It's also the perfect night for day 5's activity on the Halloween countdown calender. So excited...Tonight we're watching Halloween, my most favorite atmospheric movie this time of year. It just gets me in the Halloween mood like no other! It holds so many fond memories for me. I still remember when I was helping out with my high school drama club's haunted house, sitting in the dressing room turned insane asylum. I was dressed as a nutjob nurse. The Halloween theme, along with other horror movie themes played on loop putting me in quite the creepy mood. It made me feel scary and motivated me to scare the pants off of everyone coming through. Back to today, go here to read the review on Halloween I did a couple year's back.Before for we got all comfy in our pj's, we put up some of our outside Halloween decorations. Here's a couple shots of my yard, I'm so excited with it so far. It's hard to tell in the picture, but the pumpkin face looks so creepy.And apparently in this next shot my husband has turned into some sort of creature of the night:)Well it's time to get back to Halloween. Does anyone have any festive fall plans for the weekend?*On a creepy side note: While I was typing this post, I was chatting with a friend on Facebook. The conversation was short. Here's a generic version of the conversion in order to keep it anonymous:friend-wish me luckme- wishing you luckfriend- thanks!That was where the conversation should have ended, but when I looked at my phone just now, I had this message typed into the response box:me- And you're goal is to hear any excuses on the table and he would try again when there isGoodbye to you later all atI didn't write that. I have no idea what it means. My phone has been lying next to me plugged into the computer the whole time. At first I thought maybe I turned on Siri and that is what it picked up, but it's so random. So maybe it's a ghost...thoughts??0
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So I watched Lovely Molly about a week ago and I am just now getting around to writing about it. I had heard a lot of good and a lot of bad things about this movie within the horror community and almost nothing otherwise, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I have seen so much crappy Netflix horror lately so I was really hoping this was going to be good. I was definitely pleased with what I saw. The actors were all pretty convincing( except the pastor, he just didn't seem right to me) and the atmosphere had me on edge. My husband almost always falls asleep when we're watching movies and I can tell if the movie is scary because I end up yelling at him for falling asleep and essentially "leaving me alone" to watch said movie. Needless to say, I yelled at him multiply times while watching Lovely Molly.Before I say anything else about the Lovely Molly, I want to mention something that bugs me. I feel like a lot of horror fans like to dismiss movies claiming that a certain story "has been done." As much as I love seeing something that hasn't been done before, I don't understand dismissing something purely because it's been done before. Of course there are exceptions but if a movie is good, it's good. Regardless of if it's a new concept. I mean there still needs to be strong characters, good story line, tension building, etc. Concept alone does not a good movie make.
My point is even though we've seen movies like Lovely Molly before, I still really liked it. And It had me on edge multiply times. I am admittedly an easy scare, but it wasn't just cheap jump scares. It was the tension throughout the film, the unknown that had me on edge. Like the scene where she is just reaching into the closet, seemingly at nothing. I found that terrifying. The only thing I really didn't like about the movie was the sense of hopelessness. I really like when there is something that makes you think things just might be OK, even if it's for a moment. It's not that I expect all movies to have happy endings, but this movie was just plain depressing and it's hard not to take some of that dread without you after the credits roll. What were your reactions to Lovely Molly?0Add a comment
It's October 4th, the 4th day in The Countdown to Halloween, and I'm pretty sure I've written more posts this month than the rest of the year! Today's activity was a fun one. What was it you ask?? Take a look:Paint Wooden masks!
Here's what they looked like before paint. There is a pumpkin, a vampire, and a ghost. I Found them at Joann Fabrics for a little over a buck each. Also I don't know if you can tell but someone is super excited to get his hands on a paintbrush.
A work in progress...
Dipping the paintbrush...
And here they are completed. I did the pumpkin, and my husband did the vampire. I think that Gray's is obvious.How was your October 4th? Watch anything spooky lately??0Add a comment
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